Safety & Security
SUNY Jefferson
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Safety & Security

Jefferson Community College and East Hall have security features including secure card access readers, blue light emergency telephone stations, state-of-the-art smoke/heat alarm systems, camera monitoring system, and 24-hour campus safety surveillance around campus.  Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Report any unusual, dangerous, illegal, harassing, or otherwise unsafe behaviors to a Housing & Residence Life staff member or to the Office of Campus Safety & Security.

Campus Safety and Security

Located in the Deans Collaborative Learning Center,
Bldg. 15, Room 15-140
Dial 315-786-2222 or 2222 from any on-campus telephone.

The Office of Campus Safety & Security provides security and related services to the college community seven days a week, 24 hours a day. The Office of Campus Safety & Security works very closely with the Watertown City Police Department and other local and state law enforcement agencies to assist them with incidents that may occur on or off campus.

Potential criminal actions and other emergencies on campus can be reported by any student, faculty member or employee directly to the Office of Campus Safety & Security. It is extremely important to notify Campus Safety so they are aware and involved with any action or investigation. If dialing from a residence hall or campus telephone, dial 2222 to contact Campus Safety. If dialing from a cellular telephone or off campus line, dial 315-786-2222. Emergencies can also be reported by using a blue-light emergency telephone, located throughout campus.  The blue-light emergency  telephones will immediately dial direct to 9-1-1. Upon receiving a call, officers are dispatched immediately to the site of the complaint.

The college encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes or suspected criminal activity. In a non-emergency situation, reports may be made anonymously via the web by going to the Jefferson Community College website at  To contact Campus Safety & Security for an immediate response, please call 315-786-2222 or 2222 from a campus telephone.

Crime Prevention Tips

Criminals who see an opportunity for gain will take risks. Assault and robberies can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. If we work together, we can stop crime before it occurs.  Crime reduction on campus requires the continued active support of the College community. The following are a few suggestions, which may help to prevent crime by planning ahead for personal protection.

Personal Safety…What You Can Do!

The best defense against crime is to take adequate precautions, and always practice good personal safety. Precaution and prevention are the most effective tools that can be used to reduce the chances of falling victim to a crime. Know the current environment and be alert at all times, whether at home, out walking (especially at night), driving or at work.

At Home, Your Apartment, or Residence Hall Room:

  • Keep doors and windows locked when at home to keep out unwanted visitors.
  • Lock all doors and windows whenever exiting.  Even the best locks won’t work if you do not use them.
  • Don’t automatically open the door when someone knocks.  Use the peephole in the front door to see who is there.
  • When strangers ask to use personal phones, offer to make the necessary call but don’t let the person into the room.
  • Do not loan room keys or your SUNYCard to anyone.

When Walking:

  • Know the locations of blue-light courtesy call boxes along daily routes.
  • Plan routes in advance.  Stay away from alleys, fields, and dark areas.  Avoid shortcuts.
  • Walk on lighted walkways on campus.  Use the Campus Safety Safe Walk escort service.
  • Do not walk alone; walk with a friend, especially at night.
  • Use Watertown City buses; wait for the bus with a friend.
  • If being followed, change directions and head for a public place.
  • Have keys ready to enter a car, room, or apartment immediately.
  • Do not accept rides from strangers; don’t hitchhike.

If You Are the Victim of A Crime:

The first thing to do is notify the authorities at once. If the incident happened on campus, call the Office of Campus Safety & Security at 2222 from any Jefferson Community College campus telephone. If dialing from a residence hall telephone, dial 2222 to contact Campus Safety. If dialing from a cellular telephone or off campus line, dial 315-786-2222. If the incident happened off campus, dial 911 or contact the local law enforcement agency serving that area.

If you are the victim of domestic/family violence, sexual assault/abuse, or stalking, confidential counseling services and emergency shelter services are available through the Victims Assistance Center by calling the 24 hour hotline at 1-866-782-1855.

Harassment and Non-Discrimination Prohibition Information, Policies, and Procedures

Members of Jefferson Community College’s residence life community, including students, staff, vendors, and visitors are expected to follow Jefferson’s policies and procedures including those related to harassment, discrimination and Title IX.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Jefferson Community College is committed to fostering a diverse  community of outstanding faculty, staff, and students, as well as ensuring equal educational opportunity, employment, and access  to services, programs, and activities, without  regard to an individual's race, color, national origin,  religion, creed, age, disability, sex, gender  identity,  sexual orientation, familial  status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence  victim status,  or criminal  conviction. Employees, students, applicants or other members of the College community (including but not limited to vendors, visitors, and guests) may not be subjected to harassment that is prohibited by law, or treated adversely or retaliated against based upon a protected characteristic.

All employees, students, visitors and vendors share in the responsibility for ensuring a work and educational environment free from prohibited discrimination and harassment.  Individuals responsible for, or participating in, campus activities will refrain from, and are encouraged to report, any inappropriate conduct that may give rise to a claim of harassment or discrimination.

The College’s policy is in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. These laws include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as Amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, and the New York State Human Rights Law. These laws prohibit discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX and other laws, regulations and policies prohibiting discrimination may be directed to the College’s Affirmative Action Officer, 315-786-2401.  Inquiries may also be directed to the United States Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, 32 Old Slip 26th Floor, New York, NY 10005-2500; Tel. (646) 428-3900; TDD: 800-877-8339, Email

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. The regulation describes the conduct that violates Title IX. Examples of the types of discrimination that are covered under Title IX include sexual harassment including sexual assault, the failure to provide equal opportunity in athletics, and discrimination based on pregnancy.

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 states that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

All Jefferson Community College, students, staff, vendors, and visitors are held to the highest level of ethical responsibility including the requirements under Title IX.

Title IX and Sexual Harassment

In addition to Title IX regulations, Jefferson Community College maintains policies and procedures that prohibit and address gender discrimination, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and and sexual violence. 

These policies are be located on the College website:

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  1. Submission to such is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or of a student’s evaluation;
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions or student evaluations affecting such individual; or
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s (employee or student) performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

Sexual violence is defined as “sexual acts perpetrated against a person's will or where a person is incapable of giving consent due to the victim's use of drugs or alcohol. An individual also may be unable to give consent due to an intellectual or other disability. A number of different acts fall into the category of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion.” All such acts of sexual violence are forms of sexual harassment and are covered under Title IX, Jefferson Community College Policies and Student Code of Conduct, and Federal, local, and New York State law.

For information, counseling, or to file a complaint of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, which includes sexual violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, contact our Title IX Coordinator:

Dr. Corey Campbell
McVean Student Center, Office 4-100
(315) 786-6561

Other Safety-Related Information

Campus Closings. Campus closing and delayed opening information is available on the College’s website,, myJCC portal and – if due to weather -- by calling the College Weather Line 315-786-6565, as well as on local television and radio stations.  Please refrain from calling the media or the College for closing information.  It is recommended that students sign up for NY-Alert to be notified by text, phone call,  email or all three options in the event of campus closing or emergency notification.

Emergency Messages. If someone needs to contact a resident in case of an emergency, call the Office of Housing & Residence Life at 315-755-0411. After 5:00PM, Campus Safety & Security should be contacted directly at 315-786-2222.  Campus Safety & Security will try to reach the resident.

Safe Walks. Campus Safety & Security officers can escort college community members who are on campus late in the evening. Call 315-786-2222 to utilize this service.

Statement on Hoverboard and Similar Devices. Please click the link to read the statement about the use of these devices on campus.