Student Conduct Regulations
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Student Conduct Regulations

Student Conduct Process and Procedures

The residence hall student conduct process is designed to enforce college policy and residence hall regulations while maintaining educational principles. Community living requires standards of conduct, cooperation, negotiation, and respect for all community members, including students and staff. The student conduct process functions cooperatively with the Vice President for Students Office, the Dean of Students, the Campus Judicial Officers, Housing & Residence Life Staff, the Jefferson Community College Office of Campus Safety & Security, and local police and emergency response agencies. A resident may be referred to a Jefferson Community College Campus Judicial  Officer for an alleged policy violation. Residents should refer to the Jefferson Community College Student Code of Conduct for more information. Students living in the residence halls sign a housing contract that stipulates individual resident student responsibilities. The rules and regulations apply to all residents and their guests/visitors as part of this license.

NOTE: Students will be notified via the Jefferson Community College email system of all scheduled student conduct matters (hearings, decisions, appeals and etc.). It is the responsibility of each student to check their email in a timely manner when involved in a student conduct incident. If a student is unable to access their email or has a problem viewing any correspondence, it is their responsibility to seek help from Institutional Technology (IT) Services.  Students can contact the JCC Help-desk at 315-786-6511 or 315-786-2262, or via email at

Student Conduct Officers

Judicial Officers.  The Resident Director, Assistant Director of Residence Life and Jefferson Community College Judicial Officers are designated hearing officers for the residence halls and adjudicate all residence hall incidents. They are empowered to determine responsibility, assign sanctions and hear appeals.

Dean of Students.  The Dean of Students (or designee) adjudicates and hears appeals of the most serious of residence hall incidents, where college conduct regulations are also violated. The Dean of Students may impose sanctions for the residence halls and the college simultaneously.

Judicial Officers

When a Judicial Officer receives notice of a possible violation of a college policy or residence hall regulation (notice meeting), the Judicial Officer will review the report and schedule to meet the referred student(s) for a student conduct hearing to discuss the incident.

At this meeting, the referred student(s) will be provided a description of the incident and the alleged violation(s). The student(s) will be given an opportunity to hear the allegations and give their description of what happened. During this meeting, the student is expected to be honest and encouraged to ask questions. The Judicial Officer may dismiss allegations based on insufficient evidence.

If a resident fails to attend the student conduct hearing with the Judicial Officer, the hearing may take place in the absence of the student. The resident is responsible for completing all assigned sanctions. The resident maintains the right to appeal the decision to the Office of the Dean of Students.

The Judicial Officer may choose from any of the following options:

  • Refer the incident to a Campus Hearing Officer for adjudication of the incident.
  • Find the student “responsible” for violation of one or more allegations.
  • Find the student “not responsible” for violation of one or more allegations. Dismiss one or more allegations based on insufficient evidence.

Once a resident has been found responsible for violating policy, the Judicial Officer may assign sanctions of:

  • Verbal Warning: A verbal statement to the student offender who has violated the code.
  • Written Warning: Written notice to the student that continuation or repetition of their misconduct may be cause for disciplinary action.
  • Referral for Assistance: Recommendation that assistance be sought from various campus services and/or outside agencies to specifically address the situation.
  • Educational Programming: A learning program to promote an understanding of inappropriate behaviors and positive change.
  • Probation: Formal written notification to the student that any subsequent violation of college rules and regulations may result in suspension or expulsion.
  • Disciplinary Fines:  Monetary fine placed on a student’s account at Jefferson Community College.
  • Disciplinary Hold: A hold placed on a student’s account for disciplinary reasons preventing further registration, enrollment, and participation in college activities.
  • Restriction: Denial of access to any facility, activity, services, class or program, or denial of student privileges for a designated period of time.
  • Administrative Withdrawal: Administrative separation from a specific course. The student will receive no credit for a class from which he/she has been administratively withdrawn.
  • Restitution: Reimbursement by the student for damage or misappropriation of property to the College or other owners. Reimbursement may take the form of compensation for damages as calculated by the Vice President or their designee, or an appropriate period of service.
  • Work Assignment: Supervised work assignment.
  • Community Service:  Community Service is a student conduct sanction which requires a student to perform unpaid work of benefit to the College Community.  Community Service provides an opportunity for the student to contribute positively to their community.  The tasks support and supplement services existing on campus.
  • Privilege Revocation:  Any privilege offered to the student by virtue of being a resident in housing may be suspended or revoked, such as hosting overnight guests, visitors, or borrowing hall equipment.
  • Notification of Parents:  In some situations parents or guardians may be contacted.
  • Behavioral Contract:  Signed behavioral contract, written agreement, or document that sets specific standards to be met or actions required to continue as a resident in the Residence Halls as a result of a violation of any College regulation or residence hall policy.
  • Suspension or Termination of Employment: Removal from employment within the College (paid or volunteer) for a specific period of time (suspension) or permanently (termination).
  • Disciplinary Suspension: Separation of the student from the College for a specified period of time up to a maximum of two years. Suspended students are barred from College premises, classes, and other college-sponsored activities. Expiration of the suspension period is no guarantee of re-admittance.
  • Disciplinary Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the College. The student will be barred from College premises, classes, and other College-sponsored activities.
  • Revocation of Admission and/or Degree: revocation of admission to or of a degree awarded from the College due to fraud, misrepresentation, or other violations of College standards in obtaining the degree, where such violations were committed by a student prior to graduation.
  • Residence Hall Warning:  Residence Hall Warning serves to officially warn a student that he or she is in violation of community standards and that further violations can result in disciplinary sanctions.  This warning may be given for either a specified or unlimited period of time. 
  • Residence Hall Probation:  Residence Hall Probation serves to officially warn a student that he or she is in violation of community standards and that further violations can result in the denial of the privilege of on-campus housing.  This probation may be given for either a specified or unlimited period of time. 
  • Suspension or Removal from Residence Life:  Suspension (for a specific time period) or Removal from Residency may be given when serious and/or repeated misconduct in the residence community warrants separation of the student from that community.  A suspension or removal from Residence may include a ban from residing in or visiting any residence facility operated by the College for the stated period of the suspension.
  • Residence Hall Visitors Suspension:  Residence Hall Visitors suspension prohibits a student from inviting guests (day or overnight) to the Residence Hall for a specific or unlimited time period. 
  • Residence Hall Relocation:  An official action moving a student from one room to another within the residence halls.

Students relocated to another room may be restricted from entering a specified room, suite, floor, or building. Such written statements shall become a part of the College’s student conduct file and the student’s educational record.

Appeal Process

Residents may appeal the Judicial Officer’s student conduct decision to the Office of the Dean of Students.  Appeals procedures are handled according to the Jefferson Community College Code of Conduct.

Student Referrals. A resident may be referred to meet with the Dean of Students for more serious matters and/or student conduct action according to the Jefferson Community College Code of Conduct.

Students may appeal the Dean of Students' conduct decision to the Vice President for Students. Appeal procedures are handled according to the Jefferson Community College Code of Conduct.