Emergency Alerts & Guidelines
SUNY Jefferson
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Emergency Alerts & Guidelines

Emergency Alerts

During a campus-wide emergency situation, the following communication systems will be utilized as appropriate and to the extent possible to efficiently and effectively get information to campus faculty, staff and students and the surrounding community.

Stay informed about campus weather delays/cancellations and emergency notifications? Update your Jefferson Alert Account (SUNY NY Alert).

Each building contains “pull-type” activated systems and automatic alarms. In the event the alarm sounds, the building should be evacuated.

A campus siren, audible both outdoors and indoors, will provide an alert to stay-in-place.

  • Outdoor – The outside tower speaker will be a loud audible siren type sound followed by a short spoken message.
  • Indoor –  Speakers are located in the hallways of all buildings to augment the outdoor tower.  Additionally, there will be a pop up alert on each classroom computer that is turned on and has been logged into.

There are nine flat panel digital signs that may be used to post emergency information across campus. Each sign has audio capability (siren or verbal message) and visual capability.

Jefferson Alert is an emergency notification system, utilizing telephone, fax, voice, email, and text messaging.  This system may be utilized to provide direction and notification in case of life threatening emergencies and weather related delays and campus closings. Students, staff and faculty are automatically enrolled to receive Jefferson Alert notifications.

To verify your contact information and change/update telephone numbers, email addresses and notification choices, please log in to your account. If you have not yet created an account, use the link in the email sent to you with the Subject = Jefferson Alert Enrollment or contact jeffersonalert@sunyjefferson.edu for assistance. 

The College website, may be utilized to provide students, faculty, staff and the off-campus community with information about a campus emergency.

Information may be posted as soon as possible on Blackboard and/or myJCC Portal notifying students and faculty of appropriate actions to take. If for some reason the website is not available, information will be posted in Blackboard and myJCC.  Please bookmark Blackboard (online.sunyjefferson.edu) and myJCC Portal.

Students and faculty may be notified of appropriate actions to take through the campus-wide email system.

Emergency Guidelines

  • Remain calm.
  • You can contact Campus Security from a campus phone at 2222 or from a non-campus phone by dialing 786-2222.
  • Dial 911 for Jefferson County Emergency Response.
  • DO NOT dial 9 first when calling 911. Simply dial 9-1-1.

Access any outdoor blue light emergency phone on campus for a direct connection to 911. 

  • If outside, move indoors avoiding windows and areas with glass and away from the area of hazard if known.
  • Close windows and shades.
  • Close and lock doors.
  • Shut off all air conditioners and ventilation units. (If it is a hazardous materials incident cover ventilation and block under door air flow.)
  • Get down on the floor and take cover.
  • DO NOT use telephones or cell phones. (Cell phones can trigger bombs, alert an intruder to your location and tie up communication lines needed by police/fire/rescue.)
  • Keep calm and wait for/follow instructions.
  • If internet access is available and it is not a hazardous material or bomb threat situation, monitor Blackboard for further instructions.

If you are advised to evacuate your building or if you determine that an emergent situation exists which necessitates evacuation of the building-

  • Follow the evacuation routes posted in the classrooms and throughout the building.
  • DO NOT use the elevators.
  • Ensure that you stay together and are accounted for at the assembly point.
  • Follow the directions of the Building Emergency Coordinator / Floor Marshal.
  • If time permits, pick up personal belonging (purses, jackets, bookbags), but DO NOT leave your immediate area to retrieve personal belongings.
  • Notify security and or the Building Emergency Coordinator if any occupants were unable or refused to evacuate their location.
  • Assemble and remain at designated assembly points.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until notified by authorized personnel.

In the event an evacuation of the campus is indicated, please follow the instructions and coordination of the Building Emergency Coordinator or Security staff.

If you receive a bomb threat, immediately notify campus security by calling 2222 from a campus phone or 786-2222 from a non-campus phone.

  • Pick up all your belongings in the immediate area and take them with you.
  • When exiting the building DO NOT turn lights on or off or use elevators.
  • DO NOT use cell phones, handheld radios or any other electronic devices.
  • Exit by the nearest available evacuation route and assemble at designated assembly points away from the buildings (500 feet minimum).
  • Students, faculty and staff should remain with the group so that all individuals can be accounted for.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until instructed by authorized personnel that it is safe to do so.

Immediately sound fire alarm.
  • Evacuate the building – DO NOT stop for personal possessions and DO NOT use elevators.
  • Call Campus Security at 2222 from a campus phone or 786-2222 from a non campus phone.
  • If trained in use of fire extinguisher and if the fire is small and confined, direct the charge at the base of the flame.
  • If trapped, DO NOT panic. Exit by window if possible or place an article of clothing out the window serving as a marker for rescue crews.
  • Stay low, closest to the floor.
  • Evacuate to designated assembly points and out of the way of emergency personnel.
  • DO NOT return to the building until instructed to do so by authorized personnel.