Successful Online Learning
Online help, surveys and tips
Jefferson Help
JCC provides many services to help you succeed in reaching your educational goals whether taking face-to-face or hybrid courses on campus or at extension sites or taking online courses. These include tutoring, academic coaching, and online library resources. Get more information about all of the academic services available.
Online Readiness Surveys
Like all college classes, online classes require skills such as time management, reading
comprehension and the ability to work independently. There are many ways to test
your skills to see if you are ready for an online course. Remember, these skills
are will help in all of your classes, work and in life!
Although taking an online course means you don’t have to attend class at a given hour and day, you do have to sign on, do the assignments, interact with your instructors and classmates and generally participate in the course on a regular basis.
Here are a few surveys that might be helpful:
- Are you ready? The Open SUNY Readiness Guide (opens in a new window)
- Penn State Online Readiness Assessment (opens in a new window)
- San Diego Community College District Online Readiness Assessment (opens in a new window)
- University of Wisconsin Whitewater – Online Course Readiness Assessment (opens in a new window)
When taking an online class you should be able to:
- Manage your time
- Familiarize yourself with the course
- Set goals and meet deadlines
- Ask questions
- Communicate
- Participate on a regular basis
- Be proactive
- Know how and when you can ask for help
- Stay in touch with your instructor
- Individuals who do not need the stimulation of a traditional class
- Individuals who are excited and fairly comfortable with technology
Check your Technology
Our online and hybrid courses can be accessed with most of today's desktop or laptop computers
You don’t need to be a computer expert to take an online course but you should be comfortable with your computer and have backup if you are having problems with it. You can also keep up with your classes using your mobile device (anchor link to mobile info on FAQ).
To do well in an online course you should be familiar with the following:
- Using a web browser
- Using a word processor
- Creating, saving, renaming and searching for documents
- Handling email, including sending email attachments
- Understanding and respecting netiquette
- Downloading and installing software
- Finding information on the Internet
- Completing online forms
You can test your computer system using our Blackboard Browser Check Tool.
If you have any questions or concerns about your readiness or technical requirements, please contact the IT Helpdesk, (315) 786-6511,