2016 Title IX Campus Climate Survey
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2016 Title IX Campus Climate Survey

Faculty & Staff Respondents

Jefferson Community College participated in the SUNY Title IX Campus Climate pilot survey during Fall 2016 with 219 faculty and staff respondents.

In the Campus Climate Faculty & Staff Survey, the majority of them stated:

  • That if they reported a student complaint of sexual violence on campus, 97% of the respondents indicated that the college would take the report seriously. 
  • The majority felt that if a crisis happened on campus, the College would handle it well.
  • They have received written and verbal information and training regarding the definition of sexual assault, how to report a sexual assault and where to go to get help with 90.5% of those indicating their training was useful.
  • They were aware of affirmative consent, incapacitation and alcohol/drug amnesty policy in sexual violence cases.

The following areas were identified as areas for improvement and the Jefferson Community College Title IX workgroup will address these concerns in 2017-2018.

  • 45% of the faculty and staff were aware of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  This indicates a need for more education and information sharing with employees regarding this service.
  • While campus employees were aware of the ability to report and disclose a sexual assault to the Title IX Coordinator (95%), Campus Security (98%), the Counseling Center (94%), and the Health Office (92%), more training and communication is needed surrounding alternative reporting resources such as the Victim’s Assistance advocate.
  • While mandatory online training is required by employees annually, more in person training sessions will be scheduled in the 2017-18 year to continue the education throughout the year.

Student Respondents

Jefferson Community College participated in the SUNY Title IX Campus Climate pilot survey during Fall 2016 with 182 student respondents.

In the Campus Climate Student Survey, the majority of student respondents stated the following.

  • There is a ‘good support system on campus for students going through difficult times’. 
  • If a crisis happened on campus, the college would take the report seriously, conduct a fair investigation, provide supports and protect students from further harm.
  • They have received information on the definition of sexual assault, how to report a sexual assault, where to get help if someone is sexually assaulted, how to talk to a confidential resource on sexual assault, and Title IX protections against sexual assault.
  • Sexual assault training at the college was useful.
  • They understand how to report sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking on campus.
  • They were aware of affirmative consent, incapacitation and alcohol/drug amnesty policy in sexual violence cases.

The following areas were identified as areas for improvement and the Jefferson Community College Title IX workgroup will address these concerns in 2017-18.

  • 68% of students indicated they received no training in the prevention of sexual assault.  Jefferson Community College will add more open training opportunities, both online and in person, for all students to the 2017-18 efforts with a special focus on prevention. 
  • 35% of students do not understand what happens when a student reports a claim of sexual assault on campus.  Jefferson Community College will strengthen this portion of the student training in the upcoming year. 
  • 37% of students did not understand that they could disclose a sexual assault to the Title IX Coordinator; they were much more aware of other campus resources such as Counseling (85%) and Campus Safety and Security (90%).  In-person training will address this more strongly in 2017-18.  Jefferson is participating in the online customizable SUNY Title IX training and this should increase awareness of the Title IX Coordinator’s role. 
  • We were not pleased with the overall response rate 182 respondents, 4.7%.  The College will work on timing of the survey administration and promotion during the next cycle. 


The full survey and results are available on Blackboard in the Institutional Research Campus Climate Survey folder.