Title IX
SUNY Jefferson
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Title IX

Jefferson Community College is dedicated to creating an inclusive, safe and secure learning, living and working environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors to the campus.  Sexual harassment and violence will not be tolerated and all reports will be taken seriously. 

Jefferson Community College engages in educational training about interpersonal and sexual violence with a goal of preventing its occurrence and, whenever possible, remedying its effects.  It’s on all of us to prevent sexual violence. 

Jefferson Community College’s policies and procedures for sexual violence are located in the Title IX Resources area of this page. Available resources for victims and survivors are also identified.  

Please reach out to us with questions and concerns; we are here to help.  

Dr. Corey Campbell
Title IX Coordinator
(315) 786-6561

What is Title IX?

Title IX, passed in 1972, was the first comprehensive federal law to prohibit sex discrimination against students and employees of educational institutions.

The law states:

“ No person in the United State shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title IX benefits both males and females.  It requires educational institutions to maintain policies, practices and programs that do not discriminate against anyone based on sex. Under this law, males and females are expected to receive fair and equal treatment in all aspects of higher education.

Who is covered by Title IX?

Educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance are covered by Title IX. Since Jefferson Community College is one of those institutions, ALL students and employees are covered by Title IX.

Jefferson’s Title IX Office

Jefferson’s Title IX Office serves all members of the college community, including students, faculty and other academic personnel, staff employees, non-students or non-employee participants in college-sponsored programs.

The office provides

  • assistance resolving and investigating complaints of sex discrimination and sexual harassment (including sexual assault).
  • a prompt and effective response to reports of sex discrimination or sexual harassment in accordance with college policies and procedures. 

Eliminating Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

The Title IX Office seeks to eliminate sex discrimination and sexual harassment by educating the college community, about what constitutes sex discrimination and sexual harassment, how to prevent it and how to report it.

The Health & Wellness office, in partnership with the Title IX office, provides training through the Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC.)

The college does not tolerate sex discrimination or sexual harassment of any kind. Such conduct is prohibited both by law and by college policies.

Who to Contact

Any member or visitor of the college community who has questions or concerns about sex discrimination or sexual harassment is strongly encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator or any campus administrator.

Any member or visitor of the college community who experiences sexual assault, including rape, is strongly encouraged to report his/her incident to the the local police: 911, Security Office (315) 786-2222, the Health Office at (315) 786-2376, the Title IX Coordinator, or any campus administrator. 

Additionally, the NYS Police maintains a dedicated hotline for reporting sexual assaults on college and university campuses at 1-844-845-7269.

Related Links and Policies

Related Information

Sex discrimination is any unequal treatment based on gender. Sex discrimination occurs when a person shows a prejudice towards another that would not occur had they been the opposite sex.  Sex discrimination is against NY State Law and violates College Policy.

College personnel shall not on the basis of a person’s gender:

  1. Treat one person differently from another in determining whether such a person satisfies any requirement or condition for the provision of such aid, benefit or service;
  2. Provide different aid, benefits, or services or provide aid, benefits, or services in a different manner;
  3. Subject any person to separate or different rules or behavior, sanctions, or other treatment;
  4. Otherwise limit any person in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity.

Sexual harassment a crime punishable by imprisonment in New York State and violates College Policy.

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  1. Submission to such is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or of a student’s evaluation;
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions or student evaluations affecting such individual; or
  3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s (employee or student) performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

Sexual assault is:

  • Any sexual act committed or attempted against a person's will

  • Forced sexual contact by dates, spouses, family members, acquaintances or strangers

  • Includes a range of acts, from obscene phone calls to forced sexual intercourse

  • Any sexual contact you don't want

Sexual assault is a crime punishable by imprisonment in New York State and violates College Policy

Sexual assault does not happen because of uncontrolled lust or sexual passion. Sexual assault is a crime of aggression and violence.

There is never an excuse or a reason for one person to rape, assault or even touch another person without permission. No one has this "right" no matter how someone else behaves or dresses. No woman causes herself to be raped.

What Is Rape?

Rape is defined as sexual intercourse, sodomy or oral copulation accomplished against a person's will:

  • Through use of force or fear

  • Whether the person is male or female

  • When the person is prevented from resisting by alcohol or drugs administered by or with the knowledge of the offender

  • When the person is unaware of the nature of the act

  • When the person is deemed incapable of consent as defined by local, state, and federal law

If You or a Friend Have Been Sexually Assaulted, Raped or Experienced Dating/Domestic Violence

  • Make sure that you and your friend are SAFE from additional harm.

  • Call someone you trust: a friend, a resident advisor or resident director, a family member, Campus Security, Health/Counseling Services, or the Title IX Coordinator (ext. 6561).  Note:  The Health/Counseling Office can be contacted confidentially.  All other offices have a duty to report to the College's Title IX Coordinator.

  • The NYS Police maintains a dedicated hotline for reporting sexual assaults on college and university campuses at 1-844-845-7269.

  • Try to preserve all physical evidence. If possible do not to wash, go to the bathroom, or change your clothing.

  • If you change your clothing, put all clothing you were wearing at the time of the assault in a paper bag. This will preserve important evidence.

  • Seek medical attention immediately at the Samaritan Medical Center Emergency Room, or any of the area hospital emergency rooms. Campus Security can arrange safe transportation to the hospital, and a Victims Assistance Center advocate will meet you there if requested.

  • Never forget that THIS WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. There are people at Jefferson and in the local community who will believe you and help you heal.

If you are being sexually harassed, you are already aware of how humiliating, embarrassing or frightening an experience it can be. There are steps you can take to bring an end to sexual harassment.

  1. Do not ignore the sexual harassment.
  2. Tell or write the person who's harassing you to STOP. It may not always be clear to your harasser that the behavior is unwelcome. If you're able, tell the person directly--or write in a letter--that you don't like his or her behavior and that you want it to stop. In a situation where you are afraid to address a harasser directly, you'll need to involve college officials.
  3. Talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling. Friends, a trusted teacher, siblings and parents can all be helpful in giving you support as well as ideas for how to stop the harassment.
  4. Keep a record of what happened and when. Include dates, times, places, names of persons involved and witnesses, and who said what to whom.
  5. Inform campus security, the Counseling Center or College Title IX Coordinator that you are being sexually harassed.  The College has a legal responsibility to respond to sexual harassment of its students.

The College will make all reasonable attempts to comply with requests for privacy and confidentiality.  In these situations, the College’s ability to investigate and respond may be limited.  The College is required by Title IX to weigh a person’s request for privacy with the College’s commitment to provide a reasonably safe and non-discriminatory environment.  If the College cannot maintain privacy she/he will be notified by the Title IX Coordinator.

In situations where a member of the College community becomes aware of a pattern of behavior by a single person, the College will take appropriate action in an attempt to protect the College community.

More information on privacy and confidentiality can be found in Jefferson Community College's Sexual Violence Response Procedures.

If you can't find the information you're looking for on these pages, please contact the Title IX Coordinator. 

Q: What is the best way to prevent sexual harassment?

A: Know your rights. Members of our college community have the right to work and learn in an environment that is free from verbal or physical sexual conduct which might either interfere with an individual's performance, or create a work or educational climate that is hostile, intimidating, or offensive, whether that conduct originates with an instructor, a supervisor, or a peer.

Q: What are some examples of sexual harassment?

A: The following are behaviors that may be considered to be sexual harassment


  • Repeated requests for dates or sex.
  • Sexual comments about clothing or body parts.
  • Sexually oriented humor or language.
  • Kissing sounds, whistling, cat calls.
  • Obscene phone calls. Emails, texts, social networking posts.
  • Comments about sexual likes/dislikes.
  • Comments about sexual behavior.


  • Leering or ogling.
  • Pornographic pictures, calendars, movies, mugs.
  • Repeated “love” letters.
  • Sexually oriented electronic messages or images.
  • Sexual hand or body gestures.
  • Invading someone’s personal space.
  • E-mail / screen savers / desktop “wall paper.”


  • Any unwanted touching.
  • Rape.

Q: Who should I talk to if I'm being harassed?

A: If you are a Jefferson Community College student: Talk to the Title IX Coordinator, College Security, a professor you trust, a family member, or a friend. You are also encouraged to contact the local police (911).

If you are staff or an academic employee: Talk to the Title IX Coordinator, the Human Resource Office, a friend, your supervisor or another manager.

Q: How are sexual harassment complaints resolved?

A: The Title IX Office utilizes both informal and formal procedures for resolving sexual harassment complaints. We encourage early reporting of concerns or complaints regarding sexual harassment because complaints are most effectively resolved at the earliest possible stage. Resolution options depend on the circumstances and may include education programs for particular individuals and mediation between the parties only if both desire mediation. Where informal resolution is unsuccessful or inappropriate, a formal complaint may be filed and a formal investigation undertaken. There is no prescribed sequence, so choosing one option first does not prevent a complainant from choosing a different option for resolution later on. Individuals may get advice or assistance without filing a complaint.

If an informal solution is not appropriate or possible the Title IX office will Initiate a fact-finding investigation.

Q:  What rights do I have if I am sexually harassed or assaulted?

A:  You have the following rights:

  • The right to confront the harasser and inform him/her that his/her conduct is unwelcome
  • The right to file a report or file a formal complaint (Title IX Coordinator)
  • The right to information about the investigation and resolution process (Title IX Coordinator)
  • The right to obtain confidential counseling through Counseling the Counseling Center (link to contact information)
  • The right to have the complaint and related information shared only with those who "need to know" for the campus to take your desired action
  • The right to be free from retaliation

Q: How to tell when conduct is unwelcome?

A:  Conduct is unwelcome if the recipient did not initiate it and regards it as undesirable or offensive. Some sexual advances are so blatant that the advance itself shows its unwelcomeness. In a more typical case, however, the welcomeness of the conduct will depend on the recipient’s reaction to it.

Q:  How can I avoid being accused of sexual harassment?

A:  The following are a few helpful suggestions: 

  • Do not assume that your peers co-workers or employees enjoy comments about their appearance, sexually-oriented jokes or comments, being touched, stared at, or propositioned.
  • Do not assume that what you consider to be welcome sexual invitations will be welcomed by others.
  • Do not instruct friends, co-workers and supervisors to put up with offensive behavior.
  • Do not take any action to retaliate against someone who has filed a complaint or provided information during an investigation.

Q:  Does the intent of the harasser matter?

A:  Sexual harassment is not determined by the intent of the harasser; but rather, it is determined by the impact that the behavior has on the person being harassed.

Q: What do I do if I'm being accused of sexual harassment?

A: If the behavior is brought to your attention, apologize, ask for a description of what was offensive and who found it offensive. 

Consider the following actions:

  • If you realize that you have been inappropriate, apologize as soon as possible.
  • Change your behavior.
  • Recognize that other steps may need to be taken.
  • Be careful of inappropriate advice that would lead you to minimize or ignore this issue.
  • Seek the advice of appropriate college resources.
  • Attend sexual harassment training.
  • Know the policy on sexual harassment.
  • Refrain from any form of retaliation.

Q:  What rights do I have if I am accused of sexual harassment or assault?

  • The right to due process--notice of the allegations and an opportunity to respond to them.
  • The right to be free from defamation and invasion of privacy.
  • The right to obtain confidential counseling through Counseling Center.
  • The right to all protections afforded by College policy and/or collective bargaining agreements.
  • The right to information about the investigation and resolution process (Title IX Coordinator).

Q:  Can I make a complaint with the local police?

A: Targets of sexual harassment or sexual assault are welcome to report the sexual harassment or sexual assault to college security and/or off-campus police, particularly if the individual desires prosecution through the criminal justice system.

Q: Is the complaint process confidential?

A: Any person needing assistance about sexual assault or sexual harassment may call or make an appointment with the Title IX Coordinator . You will not be required to give your name or anyone else's name to receive information and advice on your options and referrals. Resources are available for advice and information regarding reports of sexual harassment or sexual assault that are totally confidential.

Examples of confidential resources include the College Chaplain or Counseling Office. Individuals who consult confidential resources must be advised that their discussions in these settings will not be considered reports of sexual harassment and will not, without additional action by the individual, result in any action by the University to resolve their concerns.

Procedures provide for protecting the privacy of individuals involved in a report of sexual harassment to the extent allowed by law and College policy. A report of sexual harassment may result in the gathering of extremely sensitive information about individuals in the college community. While such information is considered confidential, college policy regarding access to public records and disclosure of personal information may require disclosure of certain information regarding a report of sexual harassment. In such cases, every effort will be made to redact the records in order to protect the privacy of individuals.

Individuals wishing to make reports of sexual harassment must understand that certain college employees, such as the Title IX/Sexual Harassment officer, managers, supervisors, and other designated employees responsible for reporting or responding to reports of sexual harassment, have an obligation to respond to reports of sexual harassment, even if the individual making the report requests that no action be taken.

The expressed wishes of individuals regarding the confidentiality of reports of sexual harassment will be considered in determining an appropriate response; however, such wishes will be considered in the context of the College’s legal obligation to ensure a working and learning environment free from sexual harassment and the due process rights of the accused to be informed of the allegations and their source. Some level of disclosure may be necessary to ensure a complete and fair investigation, although requests for confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible.

Q:  Who do I contact to ask obtain additional information or make a complaint?

A:  For information, counseling, or to file a complaint of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, which includes sexual violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, contact: the College’s Title IX Coordinator.