Pass-Fail-Credit by Exam/Directed Study
SUNY Jefferson
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Pass-Fail-Credit by Exam/Directed Study


Pass-Fail Option

Students may elect one course per semester outside of the major field of study on a pass-fail basis. Students may elect a maximum of four such courses during their academic career at the College. A part-time student must complete a minimum of six semester hours prior to electing a pass-fail option. This option requires approval by the student’s advisor prior to the end of the second week of instruction in a given semester.

Credit By Examination

Jefferson Community College grants credit for work completed through the College Level Examination Program (both General and Subject Examinations), the Advanced Placement Program, New York State College Proficiency Examinations, selected programs offered by non-collegiate organizations as recommended by the New York State Education Department, and educational experiences in the armed services as recommended by the American Council on Education.

The College grants credit for satisfactory performance on the above for courses that meet the requirements of the curriculum in which the student is registered.

The College also offers Divisional Examinations for credit in courses offered at this College for which there are no proficiency or College Level Examination Program examinations. Such examinations are offered at the discretion of the individual division. Students requesting to take such an examination must obtain prior approval from their advisor, Dean, and the V.P. for Academic Affairs. Divisional Examinations must be completed within one month of notification of approval. Students may not take an examination at a lower level of proficiency in a subject than that which the student has already passed, and students may not repeat examinations which they have failed. Students may not usually take Divisional Examinations in courses which they have already failed at Jefferson Community College.

Credit accepted for any type of examination described above will be placed on the official transcript as transfer credit. The Division determines whether or not such exams are offered on an individual course basis.

Directed Study

A Directed Study is a course of study to be completed on an independent basis by the student. The study plan will be developed by the student and the instructor who has agreed to serve as mentor and evaluator of the study. A Directed Study is not a tutorial or course taught to a student on an individual basis but a course in which the student’s independent learning is facilitated and evaluated by the instructor/mentor.

The purpose of a Directed Study is to accommodate students who have extenuating circumstances and will be considered only after all other options have been exhausted. These other options include credit by examination, CLEP exams, and/or enrollment in a regularly scheduled class. The use of the Directed Study option will be on a selective basis, and participation will be determined by the appropriate Dean.

Unlike the regular academic schedule, Directed Study courses are available all year around.

A student may register at any time of the year and take up to six (6) months to complete a Directed Study course.


Students enrolled in a Directed Study will be assessed a discrete tuition charge for their Directed Study. (This charge is above and beyond any tuition students may already be assessed for other course work in which they have also enrolled.)

  1. Tuition: Same as the per-credit-hour rate for residence study.
  2. Directed Study Processing Fee: $5.00
  3. Books and Supplies: Dependent on the requirements of the particular course.


In order to be eligible for directed study, a student must meet the following conditions:

  1. Have earned a grade point average of 2.5 or better from Jefferson Community College or other accredited college.
  2. Show successful completion of twenty-four (24) credit hours of college work.
  3. Have not previously taken the course being requested for directed study.


No more than three (3) courses (9–12 credit hrs.) of the required credits for the Associate Degree may be earned by Directed Study. For a certificate program, a maximum of one (1) course (3 cr. hrs.) may be earned by Directed Study.

Exceptions can be granted by the V.P. for Academic Affairs.