Wireless Computer Access Agreement
SUNY Jefferson
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Wireless Computer Access Agreement


Users of JCC Wireless resources should be aware that the College cannot guarantee security and privacy in all cases, especially for personal or unlawful use of these resources. For the purpose of satisfying any law, regulation or government request, Jefferson Community College reserves the right to monitor the use of JCC Wireless resources and disclose any information necessary and appropriate.


Jefferson Community College has implemented wireless technology in response to the overqhelming demand of students, faculty and staff members. Jefferson Community College’s technical staff are responsible for maintaining the systems required to provide wireless access. During normal operating hours technical staff are available in the IT department to provide assistance in connecting to the JCC wireless networks.‘Best Effort’ will be provided to assist users connecting to the wireless network. Please be aware, some equipment (older, miss-configured, viruses, bad software installation) will not be capable of connecting.


In consideration of the privilege of accessing and using JCC Wireless resources, all persons are expected to comply fully with the standards and responsibilities of acceptable use as outlined in

  •  All applicable provisions of the JCC ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS POLICIES, employee handbooks and agreements, student handbooks and other policies and procedures established by Jefferson Community College.
  • All local, state, federal, and international laws, including but not limited to, copyright and intellectual property.
  • All software license agreements acquired by the College and its authorized units.
  • All applicable College policies and procedures, including but not limited to, sexual harassment, academic dishonesty, scientific misconduct, non-discrimination, copyright, intellectual property, and internet usage.
  • The legal and educational standards of software use as published in the EDUCOM Code.

Other individual responsibilities include:

  • Self-policing of passwords and access codes.
  • Changing passwords and access codes on an as-needed basis.
  • Respecting authorial integrity and the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Preventing and reporting viruses that infect computer systems.
  • Properly backing up appropriate systems, software and data.


  • Initiating or participating in unauthorized or personal mass mailings to news groups, mailing lists, or individuals (including but not limited to chain letters, spam, floods and bombs).
  • Giving others by password or other means unauthorized access to any user or network account.
  • Using or attempting to use an unauthorized user or network account.
  • Disguising or attempting to disguise the identity of the account or machine being used. This includes but is not limited to spoofing IP addresses, impersonating any other person or entity, or misrepresenting affiliation with any other person or entity.
  • Using the College network to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to remote networks, including remote computer systems.
  • Conduct constituting wasteful use of IT (Information Technology), resources or which unfairly monopolizes them to the exclusion of others.
  • Interference or degradation of controls and system security.
  • Engaging in computer crimes or other prohibited acts.
  • Knowingly or negligently running or installing or giving to another user, a program which damages, exposes to
    unauthorized access, or places excessive load on any computer system, network, or other IT resource. These
    programs include, but are not limited to, computer viruses, Trojan Horses, and worms.
  • Using any IT resource or communication services, including e-mail or other means to intimidate, insult, embarrass and harass others; to interfere unreasonably with an individual's work, research or educational performance; or to create a hostile or offensive working or learning environment

Jefferson Community College has installed wireless Internet throughout the campus. Currently, there is wireless access in every building on campus. There is limited access outside the buildings. The college is continuing expansion of wireless services for faculty, staff, and students. If you find an area on campus that does not have access where it is needed please report this to the IT Department.

I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain adequate and current virus protection software on my computer and/or connected device. It is also my responsibility to keep my connected device up-to-date on any security updates released by my operating system vendor. Failure to do so could result in my being removed from the JCC wireless system. I will not introduce any shared drives, data, or devices to the network maintained by JCC. I will not add, change, delete or modify in any way the networking configuration installed on my computer system which was setup by Jefferson Community College. I also will not share any of this configuration information with other people.

If the wireless device is altered in any way which affects Jefferson Community College, I shall reimburse Jefferson Community College the cost to repair any damages caused to their network. Jefferson Community College reserves the right to place a hold on my student account to recover anycosts which may be incurred to repair any such damages.

Jefferson Community College reserves the right to revoke this access at any time deemed appropriate. This network configuration shall be removed within 24 hours of Jefferson Community College’s request, or within 24 hours of my no longer being enrolled or employed at JCC. If I cannot do this myself, JCC will remove the necessary items for me.

By signing this agreement, I also agree to the terms & conditions set forth by the Wireless Network Access Requirements.

Copies of the Wireless Network Access Agreement are available in Dewey Bldg. 5-004 or by calling 315-786-6511.

If you are having difficulty connecting to the wireless network, please bring your device to the IT department. Jefferson Community College will not be responsible for any loss of data,or functionality to your computer by executing these tasks. JCC IT staff will only perform troubleshooting techniques related to connecting the device to the JCC wireless network.

If you have any questions about any of these requirements, please stop in and ask (Dewey Bldg. 5-004), or contact the IT department at 315-786-6511.