Grading Policy
SUNY Jefferson
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Grading Policy

Effective Fall 2018


All students are encouraged to achieve their highest potential by acquiring knowledge and developing skills that lead to success both in the classroom and in the workplace. Academic progress is measured by the students’ mastery of the course as demonstrated by their ability to write clearly and accurately, discuss, compute, analyze, and draw logical conclusions among concepts. All students are expected to abide by the College Attendance Policy, complete all assignments and examinations thoroughly and on time, and participate thoughtfully and constructively in class discussions.


Certain terms are used in this document with specific meanings, as defined in this section.

  1. Semester hours of credit are awarded by the “Carnegie Unit” method. A semester credit hour is normally granted for satisfactory completion of one 50- minute session of classroom instruction per week for a semester of not less than fifteen weeks. This basic measure may be adjusted proportionately to reflect modified academic calendars and formats of study. A semester credit hour is an academic unit earned for fifteen 50-minute sessions of classroom instruction or its equivalent with a normal expectation of two hours of outside study for each class session.

  2. The semester GPA is determined as follows:
    1. Allow 4 points for an A, 3.5 points for a B+, 3 points for a B, 2.5 points for a C+, 2 points for a C, 1.5 points for a D+, 1 point for a D, and 0 points for an F or Y, multiply the number of points equivalent to the letter grade received in each course by the number of credit hours for the course to obtain the quality points earned in each course.

    2. Add the quality points obtained in all courses taken during the semester.

    3. Calculate semester GPA’s by dividing the sum of the quality points by the sum of the credit hours carried including grades of F and Y. The quotient represents the GPA for the semester.

  3. The cumulative GPA is determined in the same manner as the semester grade GPA, except that all of the student’s work at the College is taken into account. The only exception is in cases of course repetition, when only the more recent grade will be used.


  1. Letter grades based on student achievement will be assigned to students enrolled in individual degree-credit courses by the faculty member assigned responsibility for that course.

  2. Final grade reports become part of the student’s official transcript.

  3. The assigning of the grades shall be in accordance with the College Grading Standards and the College Academic Record Designations.

  4. Once a final grade for a course has been submitted to the Student Records Office, no grade change (other than from a temporary grade of I or R to the final grade) will be allowed after a time span of 120 days from the due date of the grade.

  5. When a course is repeated, all grades will be recorded on the official academic transcript and the last grade of record will be used in the computation of the student’s GPA.

  6. Students who wish to repeat a course in which a grade of C or better has been earned must obtain approval from the Academic Vice President. When a student takes a course s/he has already earned credit, only one set of units will count towards graduation requirements.

  7. Student achievement for a given semester is measured by the student’s GPA. The quality of all work a student has done at the College through one or more semesters is indicated by the cumulative GPA.

  8. Jefferson Community College grants credit for work completed through the College Level Examination Program (both General and Subject Examinations), the Advanced Placement Program, New York State College Proficiency Examinations, selected programs offered by non-collegiate organizations as recommended by the New York State Education Department, and educational experiences in the armed services as recommended by the American Council on Education. Credit accepted for any type of examination described here will be placed on the official transcript as transfer credit.

  9. The College also offers departmental examinations for credit in courses offered at this College for which there are no proficiency, Advanced Placement Program nor College Level Examination Program examinations.
    1. Such examinations are offered at the discretion of the department responsible for the course.

    2. Students requesting to take such an examination must obtain prior approval from their academic advisor and the department responsible for the course.

    3. Departmental examinations must be completed within one month of notification of approval.

    4. Students may not take an examination at a lower level of proficiency in a subject in which the student has already earned credit. Students may not repeat examinations which they have failed.

    5. Students may not take departmental examinations in courses which they have already failed at Jefferson Community College.

  10. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for overseeing this policy.


Gradeempty Numerical Equivalent Grade Points
A 90-100 4.0
B+ 85-89 3.5
B 80-84 3.0
C+ 75-79 2.5
C 70-74 2.0
D+ 65-69 1.5
D 60-64 1.0
F Below 60 0.0



I Incomplete — A temporary grade used at the discretion of the instructor when a student has not completed the course requirements for medical or personal reasons documented to the instructor's satisfaction.  If the student fails to complete the requirements during the 60 calendar days following the due date of the grade, the incomplete is changed automatically to F.  Extensions can be granted up to a period not to exceed one year from the original due date of the grade, with the permission of the instructor.
P Passing — A grade used when a student successfully completes a course taken on a pass-fail basis. A student receives the designated credits for such a course, but the credits are not used in computing the student’s GPA.
E Failing — A grade used when a student does not successfully complete a course taken on a pass-fail basis. The grade will not be used in computing the student’s GPA.
S Satisfactory — A grade used when a student does successfully complete a non-credit course.
U Unsatisfactory — A grade used when a student does not successfully complete a non- credit course.
Y Abandoned A grade used in cases when a student fails to officially withdraw from a course. The grade will have the same effect as a grade of F in the computation of the student’s GPA.
Z Administrative Withdrawal — A grade issued by the Academic Vice President.
J Exam credit — A designation used when a student successfully completes a departmental examination for credit.
N Audit — A designation used when a student enrolls in a course on a non-credit basis.
R Registered — A designation used for in-progress coursework.28,000
T Transfer credit — A designation used when a student is awarded credit for a course based on prior experience or coursework completed at another institution.
W Withdrawal without penalty — A designation used when a student initiates a withdrawal from a course within the withdrawal period for the course.
Honors Course Honors Course — A designation used when a student has completed an In-Class Honors Option.

Effective September 1, 2018
Revised 11/9/17         #192-17