Academic Progress
SUNY Jefferson
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Standards for Academic Progress Policy

Jefferson Community College requires that all students make satisfactory academic progress in order to remain in good academic standing and continue their enrollment.

Certain terms are used in this document with specific meanings, as defined in this section.

  1. The term “in good academic standing” means that a student is eligible or has been allowed to register for and undertake academic course work as a matriculated student for the semester in question.

  2. A College Professional is an academic advisor.

  3. An Academic Success Plan is a written formulated process to degree completion.


  1. Academic progress will be evaluated each fall and spring semester.

  2. All matriculated students who have attempted a minimum of 12 credits/equivalent credits at Jefferson Community College are subject to this policy.

  3. If a 2.00 cumulative grade point index is not maintained, a student is subject to Academic Warning, Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal. In determining this index, a grade of “Y” is considered to be an “F.” Grades of “S” or “U” in noncredit developmental courses may be considered by the Academic Standards Committee in end-of-semester academic decisions regarding warning, probation or dismissal.

  4. A student on Academic Warning or Academic Probation is considered to be in good academic standing.

  5. Standards for Academic Progress

    1. Academic Warning
      A student will be placed on Academic Warning if the student fails to earn a semester and/or cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. Any student below a 1.5 will be required to attend a session with a College Professional. Failure to attend a session with a College Professional will disqualify a student from attending classes for the current semester. Students that are equal to or above a 1.5 will receive a letter indicating they are on warning and encouraged to speak to a College Professional. If the student complies with what he/she is directed to do, they will remain in good academic standing.

    2. Academic Probation
      In the semester following the Academic Warning, if a student’s semester grade point average is below a 2.00, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. An Academic Success Plan is required to be developed by the student with a College Professional. The Plan identifies specific steps students will take to improve academic performance and needs to be filed with the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) prior to attending classes in the subsequent semester. Students who fail to file the required Academic Success Plan will be ineligible to return in the subsequent semester.

    3. Academic Dismissal
      In the semester following the Academic Probation, if a student’s cumulative grade point average is below a 2.00, the student will be academically dismissed. A student is not allowed to enroll in classes for the subsequent semester. Students are recommended to sit out three (3) years and apply for Academic Fresh Start upon returning to the College. A letter from the office of the VPAA will be sent to the student notifying them of their right to appeal the Academic Dismissal. Those wishing to appeal are required to follow the procedure outlined in the letter. Failure to follow the procedure for appeal will void the petition for reinstatement. Appeals made must demonstrate that a documented hardship occurred during the semester that disallowed a student to fulfill their Academic Success Plan. Students returning from Academic Dismissal are required to prepare a new Academic Success Plan with a College professional and file it with the office of the VPAA prior to registering for classes.

    4. Academic Probation after Academic Dismissal
      A student will be on Academic Probation in the semester in which they return from Academic Dismissal. A student who maintains a semester grade point average of at least 2.00 will not be academically dismissed; however, the student will remain on Academic Probation until the cumulative grade point average is 2.00 or higher.

  6. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for overseeing this policy.

Academic Standards of Progress*

Empty cell space - no header
Academic Warning Academic Probation Academic Dismissal Dismissal/Probation
Definition Semester and/or cum <2.0 After a semester of Academic Warning, semester <2.0 After a semester of Academic Probation, cum <2.0 Students returning after Academic Dismissal or were granted appeal from Academic Dismissal
Required Student Action Any student below a 1.5 will be required to attend a session with a College Professional.  Students above a 1.5 will receive a letter indicating they are on warning and encouraged to speak to a College Professional. An Academic Success Plan is required to be developed by student with a College Professional.  These identify specific steps students will take to improve and need to be filed with VPAA's office prior to starting classes. Students are required to sit out at least one semester and recommended to sit out three (3) years and apply for Academic Fresh Start. If returning from dismissal, a student is on Dismissal/Probation and will need to develop an Academic Success Plan with a College Professional.  These identify specific steps students will take to improve and need to be filed with VPAA's office prior to starting classes.
Notes       After sitting out at least one semester or being granted an appeal, if the Semester GPA >/= 2.0 and cum <2.0 the student remains on academic probation.

*The above Standards of Progress were based on SUNY- North Country Community College’s Academic Standing Policy.

Standards of Academic Progress
Revised: 11/9/17        #193-17