Academic Honesty Policy
SUNY Jefferson
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Academic Honesty Policy

Academic honesty on the part of all students at Jefferson Community College is essential to individual growth and development. Upon admission to the College, each student is obligated to uphold the highest ethical standards in academic endeavors. Failure to do so can seriously undermine and impede the educational process. Thus, any form of academic dishonesty is a serious concern to the College and is therefore unacceptable.

The following is a list of unacceptable types of behavior in relation to academic honesty. No listing can define all possible types of academic dishonesty; thus, the following should be viewed as examples of infractions rather than an all inclusive list.

  1. Plagiarism

    Plagiarism is the misrepresentation of any part of another’s work as one’s own. While it is expected that a student who is engaged in writing will utilize information from sources other than personal experience, acknowledgement of such sources is necessary.

    Examples of plagiarism include using a direct quotation without citing the source, paraphrasing the ideas or expressions of another without giving credit, and representing the thoughts of others as one’s own by failing to acknowledge or document sources. Additionally, plagiarism includes the submission as one’s own work, any work which has been borrowed, stolen, or purchased from someone else.

  2. Cheating

    Cheating implies conducting matters fraudulently so as to profit oneself. Some examples of cheating include the copying of an examination, assignment or other work to be evaluated; unauthorized collaboration on work to be evaluated; “cribbing” and submitting work for which previous credit has already been received in another course without the express consent of the instructor.

  3. Theft

    Theft includes the stealing of another’s work or work materials such as laboratory endeavors, computer programs, class projects and library materials.

Disciplinary action against those who have violated the College’s Academic Honesty Policy may include:

  1. Grade reduction on the assignment in question.
  2. A failing grade in the course.
  3. Suspension or dismissal from the College.

Any act of academic dishonesty will be documented by the instructor and a report will be filed in the office of the V.P. for Academic Affairs.

A student who believes that the penalty assigned by the instructor is inappropriate or unfair may appeal the penalty by following the steps for protection against improper academic evaluation as outlined in the Statement of the Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities of Jefferson Community College Students, Article II, Section B, Protection Against Improper Academic Evaluation.